Table of Contents

Text Audio

It’s “digital heroin”: How screens turn kids into psychotic junkies
by Nicholas Kardaras
Why calling screen time “digital heroin” is digital garbage 
by Rachel Becker

Writing Tasks

S-8: Writing Across Texts Technology and Addiction

Charts for Discussion

S-1: What We Learned From Reading Kardaras
S-1: Kardaras: Unfamiliar Terms and Confusing Moments
S-1: Kardaras: Our Questions About Technology and Addiction
S-2: What We Learned About Identifying and Resolving Unfamiliar Terms or Difficult Moments
S-3: Kardaras’s Claims About Young People and Technology
S-5: What We Learned From Reading Becker
S-5: Becker: Unfamiliar Terms and Confusing Moments
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