
Deer Park Digital Resources

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Posts and Guides


As we return to school this fall, we face an unusually uncertain future. In preparation for the many possibilities ahead of us, we have assembled some recommendations about using and modifying our work for distance learning. You’ll find both a summarized quick-start guide and a detailed narrative walk-through in this guide.

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While each of our units develops a separate focus and requires its own adjustments, there is a deep structure to our work that holds consistently throughout: We read a text, engage in shared comprehension and interpretive work, and continue to process our thinking through writing.

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These are strange times. We at IBD are teachers and parents, too, and we know. Our hearts and thoughts are with all teachers and their students right now.

You’ve likely felt the need to step back from some of the highly-structured, work-intensive practices that characterize many of our classrooms; in the absence of these, we suggest that this may be an excellent time to focus instead on opening up the world of student-selected, pleasure-driven, independent reading. But like everything right now, even this raises questions and difficulties. We hope the following resources and suggestions might be helpful.

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In our curriculum, we take several approaches to getting students started in their writing each year, including asking them to mine personal memories, to comb through the advice of established writers, and to complete book or author studies for inspiration. We believe those are all still good strategies—but for many of us, the first hurdle this year is getting students started when they can’t even be in the room with us.

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