The Dealing With Difficulty series was conceived as part of Inquiry By Design’s efforts to ensure that secondary students have regular and supported opportunities to work with difficult texts. Each unit at each grade level is an excursion into difficulty that is important in and of itself, but that is also valuable because it supplies a basis for reflection and comparison in subsequent experiences with difficult texts.
This Dealing With Difficulty study features two cycles of work. Each could be undertaken as a brief, stand-alone study of a single text that a teacher would ideally implement in coordination with her or his peers. On the other hand, there are benefits to working through the unit as written, as students will practice and reflect on certain methods in the first part of the unit that are reinforced in the second.
Title: Halloween Party: First Read
Teacher Manual Instructions:
Session 1
Title: Small-Groups: Difficulty in “Halloween Party” What and Why?
Teacher Manual Instructions:
Session 1
Next, place students in pairs or trios and ask them to share their chart entries with their partner(s). Give each group a piece of chart paper and a marker and ask students to work together to create a master “What’s difficult?/ Why is it difficult?” chart for their group. Explain that at the end of the small-group work, each group will post its chart on the wall so the rest of the class can review it and all of the other charts prior to the upcoming whole-group discussion. Give groups 7-10 minutes to build their charts.
Title: Small-Groups: “Halloween Party” Sections and Chunks
Teacher Manual Instructions:
Session 2
Lead the whole group through this task for the first section or chunk.
Afterwards, answer any questions students have about that work and then give the small groups the remainder of the work period to complete both lists for each of the remaining chunks or sections.
Title: Small-Groups: Retelling “Halloween Party” Search and Study
Teacher Manual Instructions:
Session 3
Title: Small-Groups: Retelling “Halloween Party” Making Sense of Difficult Moments
Teacher Manual Instructions:
Session 4
Explain to students that they should take 5-7 minutes to work on each of their lines.
Title: Small-Groups: What is Ross’s message in “Halloween Party”?
Teacher Manual Instructions:
Session 5
After students have finished their quick writes, place them in pairs or trios.
Distribute chart paper and markers to the groups and ask students to work with their partners to create a chart (or charts if members of the group disagree about the message Ross is sending). Tell the class that each chart should include the following information:
Summaries or excerpts of the lines or moments from the text that provide evidence to support that position.
Remind students to draw on their quick writes, their notes, and the existing charts to do this work.
Give students 7-10 minutes to create their charts.
Title: Small-Groups: “Halloween Party” Why would someone write like this?
Teacher Manual Instructions:
Session 6
Title: Assignment #1 Writing About “Halloween Party”
Instructions: For this assignment you will write an argument about “Halloween Party” that answers the question in the box below. It will sound familiar to you because you participated in a discussion about it in the previous session’s work:
What is Church’s primary message in “Halloween Party”?
Suggested Student Materials: Argument Checklist
Title:Assignment #2 Writing About Winthrop’s “Little Speech on Liberty”
For this assignment, you will need to respond to the prompt with a clear thesis and an explanation that is anchored or tied to specific moments or lines in a text. You will have a chance to revisit the translation and central ideas work you did with Winthrop’s speech as you consider the text as a whole.
Here is the assignment. It will sound familiar to you because you participated in several discussions about it in the previous session’s work.
What is the central idea of Winthrop’s “Little Speech on Liberty”?
In your response, please be sure to do the following two things:
1. Account for the distinction Winthrop makes between “natural liberty” and “civil or federal liberty.”
2. Analyze how he develops these central ideas over the course of the speech.
Suggested Student Materials: Informational/Explanatory Checklist
Title: Difficulty in “Halloween Party” What and Why?
Teacher Manual Instructions:
Session 1
Next, sketch out a two-column chart like the one below and ask students to create one like it in their notebooks. Students may recognize the similarity of this chart to the work with Bias and Assumption in Research; however, there will be some differences in the workflow in this unit.
Model making an entry in the “Difficulty” chart. Point out that there may be many kinds of difficulties that showed up for students: difficult words, difficult or confusing sentences, difficult ideas, unusual links made by the author, etc. Focus your modeling on showing how a “difficult moment” is one where you may have felt confused or may have stopped understanding the ideas. Point out that answering the question “Why is this difficult?” is actually something you need to stop and think about—be as specific as possible as you explain why it’s difficult. This will later help us think through the difficulty.
Title: Making Sense of “Halloween Party”
Teacher Manual Instructions:
Session 4
Reread the difficult moment and invite one or two volunteers to offer ideas about this. Encourage other students to extend, push back, or otherwise respond to these ideas. After discussing this with the class for 4-5 minutes, work with the group to craft entries for the second and third columns. (Students should add these model entries to their notebook charts as well.)
Title: Difficulty in “Little Speech on Liberty” What and Why?
Teacher Manual Instructions:
Session 7
Title: Section 1: A Translation
Teacher Manual Instructions:
Session 7
Title: Section 2: A Translation
Teacher Manual Instructions:
Session 8
Title: “Halloween Party” Lists: Important Moments and Questions
Teacher Manual Instructions:
Session 2
Title: “Halloween Party” Questions and Answers
Teacher Manual Instructions:
Session 3
Title: Retelling of “Halloween Party”
Teacher Manual Instructions:
Session 4
Title: What message do you think Ross is sending in “Halloween Party”?
Teacher Manual Instructions:
Session 5
Title: Small-Group Work: “Halloween Party” Reflection Questions
Teacher Manual Instructions:
Session 6
Title: Translation Strategies
Teacher Manual Instructions:
Session 7
Title: Section 3: A Translation
Teacher Manual Instructions:
Session 8
Title: Sections 4 and 5: A Translation
Teacher Manual Instructions:
Session 9
Title: What are the central ideas of Winthrop’s “Little Speech on Liberty”?
Teacher Manual Instructions:
Session 10
Title: Reading Log
Teacher Manual Instructions:
Independent Reading
As you transition to independent reading, discuss how students can keep a reading log. Show students how you would like them to set up and use their reading log to record their independent reading this year. An example of one way a reading log could be set up is provided nearby. You may choose to have students create a table in their notebooks, use a pre-made sheet, or a digital format.
Explain to students that they should make an entry in their log only after they have finished a book. You will need to negotiate with students how to handle the entry of magazine readings (for example, entire issues versus individual articles).
After students have set up the log, including proper headings, creating the grid, etc., show students how to make an entry.
Answer any questions students have about the reading log.
Begin independent reading.
Consider conducting individual reading conferences with students as they are engaged in independent reading. In No More Independent Reading Without Support, Debbie Miller and Barbara Moss (2013) suggest that during early conferences, you should listen to students and work to build trust: Ask students how they view reading and how they think of themselves as readers; ask what they are interested in. Over time you can ask more about what they are reading and about how you can help them or what they are struggling with. Use what you learn from these conversations to guide additional instruction with groups or with the class.
Title: Independent Reading – Individual Planning Sheet
Title: End of Marking Period Self-Assessment
Title: Writing Assignment PDF: Writing About “Halloween Party”
Title: Writing Assignment: Writing About Winthrop’s “Little Speech on Liberty”
Title: Retelling “Halloween Party” Search and Study Part 1
Title: Retelling “Halloween Party” Search and Study Part 2
Title: Scaffolds and Modifications: Descriptions and Use