Spreading Innovations: Study and Research - Grade 11

The work in this unit begins with a study of “Slow Ideas” by Atul Gawande. In this article, Gawande works from several examples of innovations in the medical field to make a case for what makes innovations spread. The article, which was originally published in The New Yorker, is interesting for both what it says and how it is written.

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Table of Contents

Text Audio

Slow Ideas by Atul Gawande

Writing Tasks

Title: S-1: The First Assignment: Reading Slow Ideas

Sessions 1

Title: S-3: The Second Assignment: Studying Gawande’s Examples

Session 3


Title: S-4: The Third Assignment: Making a Case

Session 4


Title: S-9: The Final Assignment: The Research-Based Report Project

Session 9


Title: S-9: Sub-Assignment #1: Exploring Innovations

Session 9


Title: S-11: Sub-Assignment #2: Researching Innovations

Session 11


Title: S-12: Sub-Assignment #3: Analyzing Innovations

Session 12


Title: S-13: Sub-Assignment #4: Writing Your Research-Based Paper

Session 13


Charts for Discussion

Title: S-2: Gawande’s Reasons and Evidence for What Makes Innovations Spread

Session 2

Title: S-3: Structure of “Slow Ideas”

Session 3


Title: S-4: Innovations: Problems and Solutions

Session 4


Title: S-14: Citations

Session 14

Unit Resources

Title: S-3: Criteria for a Good Discussion

Session 3


Title: S-18-B: Presenting Your Research

Session 18-B