Bias and Assumption in Research - Grade 11

When one is consulting research to make a decision or take action, it’s important to understand some ways to evaluate its quality and accuracy. This unit sheds light on how to view research through a more thoughtful, critical lens instead of just merely accepting research findings at face value and to see reports on research as arguments people make based on evidence rather than as extra-human statements of pure truth.

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Table of Contents

Text Audio

The Order of Things: What College Rankings Really Tell Us by Malcolm Gladwell
Women’s Brains by Stephen Jay Gould

Writing Tasks

Title: S-3: Assignment #1: Explaining Gladwell’s Ideas

Session 3


Title: S-6: Assignment #2: Analyzing Gould’s Arguments

Session 6


Title: S-7: Assignment #3 Synthesizing Ideas: Gladwell and Gould

Session 7


Charts for Discussion

Title: S-1: What We Learned From Reading “The Order of Things: What College Rankings Really Tell Us”

Session 1

Title: S-1: “The Order of Things: What College Rankings Really Tell Us” Unfamiliar Terms and Confusing Moments

Session 1

Title: S-1: What We Learned About Identifying and Resolving Unfamiliar Terms or Difficult Moments

Session 1

Title: What We Learned From Reading “Women’s Brains”

Session 4

Title: S-4: “Women’s Brains” Unfamiliar Terms and Confusing Moments

Session 4