Foundations For Inquiry - Grade 10

This two-part study is designed to help teachers accomplish three basic and essential things:

  1. Launch the course’s independent reading project. The sessions in Part 1 are dedicated to helping teachers lead students through essential pieces of this work, including finding new and interesting texts to read, building “Books I’d Like to Read” lists, and setting goals.

  2. Re-orient students to close reading and text-based interpretive work. In Part 2, students will work closely with two texts: “Snow,” a short story by Charles Baxter, and “Some Dreamers of the Golden Dream,” a piece of literary nonfiction from Joan Didion’s book Slouching Towards Bethlehem.

  3. Create classroom cultures in which students participate as active members of a community of readers. The work and interactions of the two parts of this study are specifically designed to help teachers provide students with regular opportunities to share and collaborate, to think, and discuss texts. This means that students will have opportunities not only to read, but to read and think better due to the frequency and quality of their regular interactions around independent reading and careful text-based work.
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Table of Contents

Text Audio

Snow by Charles Baxter
Some Dreamers of the Golden Dream by Joan Didion

Writing Tasks

Title: Day 1 Showing, Not Telling

Teacher Manual Instructions:

Session 2

  • Have students write for 5-10 minutes.
  • After the writing time has ended, explain to your students that one way of keeping track of progress is to count how many words you were able to write. Explain that this is one of the easiest and most effective means by which to track growing fluency. Because they are focusing on skill building, their interest, for now, should be in the quantity of words and pushing themselves a bit more each time they write. Have students take a moment to count the number of words they’ve used and write it on the page. If they have written a lot, show them how to find the average words per line.
  • Allow a moment for one or two students to share some strong “showing” sentences. Focus on encouraging students through the process and express confidence that they will see their word counts increase over time, as well as their ease in getting started and staying engaged with putting words down on the page.
  • Sift through student work afterward to see where students are in their fluency at this starting point.


Title: Day 2 Showing, Not Telling

Teacher Manual Instructions:

Session 3

  • Have students write for 5-10 minutes.

  • Afterward, have students begin to chart their word count in the back of their journals. (See Developing Fluency in Writing for simple instructions on creating a word count chart.) Allow a moment for one or two students to share some strong showing sentences.

Title: Day 3 Showing, Not Telling

Teacher Manual Instructions:

Session 4

  • Have students write for 5-10 minutes.

  • Afterward, have students begin to chart their word count in the back of their journals. Allow a moment for one or two students to share some strong showing sentences.

Title: Day 4 Showing, Not Telling

Teacher Manual Instructions:

Session 5

  • Have students write for 5-10 minutes.

  • Afterward, have students begin to chart their word count in the back of their journals. Allow a moment for one or two students to share some strong showing sentences.

Title: Day 5 Showing, Not Telling

Teacher Manual Instructions:

Session 6

  • Have students write for 5-10 minutes.

  • Afterward, have students chart their word count in the back of their journals . (See Developing Fluency in Writing for guidelines on charting progress .) Allow a moment for one or two students to share some strong showing sentences.

  • Have each student select one “Showing, Not Telling” journal entry that they especially want you to read and respond to.

Title: S-9: Preparation for Writing About “Snow”

Session 9

Title: S-11: Writing About “Snow”

Session 11


Title: S-16: Writing About “Some Dreamers of the Golden Dream”

Session 16


Charts for Discussion

Title: S-4: Taking Care of Books

Session 4

Title: S-4: Rules for Independent Reading

Session 4

Title: S-4: Independent Reading: Problems and Solutions

Session 4

Title: S-5: What We Know About Book Reviews

Session 5

Title: S-6: Expectations for Independent Reading

Session 6

Title: I-B: Style Manual Contents

Intersession B

Title: S-18: Comprehension Versus Interpretation

Session 18

Forms and Graphic Organizers

Title: S-1: Book Recommendation

Session 1


Title: S-1: The Book Pass

Session 1


Title: S-3: Resources for Young Adult Readers

Session 3


Title: S-5: Book Review

Session 5


Title: S-5-A: Sample Reading Letter

Session 5-A

Title: S-5-A: Guideline Letter

Session 5-A

Title: S-6: Goals for My Reading Life

Session 6


Title: S-10: Criteria for a Good Discussion

Session 10


Title: S-12: racking “Some Dreamers of the Golden Dream”

Session 12


Title: S-14: “Some Dreamers of the Golden Dream” Search and Study

Session 14