Faces of the Essay: An Orientation to the Form - Grade 8

This unit is built around a small collection of essays. A large portion of the work is devoted to reading and re-reading these texts using a few questions to guide the readings and to focus the discussions and other work that follows. The object, then, is to work carefully with a small set of texts in order to make some first-hand discoveries about the nature of informative/explanatory texts: What they can look like, what they can do, and how they are similar and different.

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Table of Contents

Text Audio

The Circuit by Francisco Jiménez

(coming soon)

Audio File Link
(Youtube link)
Living Like Weasels by Annie Dillard


Audio File Link
(Youtube link)
My Cuban Body by Carolina Hospital


The Basketball Kidnappings: How the Good People of Hyde Park are Sucking the Life Out of Urban Childhood by William Upski Wimsatt
In San Francisco, Making a Living From Your Billionaire Neighbor’s Trash by Thomas Fuller
The Negreeting by Ross Gay

Writing Tasks

Title: S-15-16: The Essay Writing Project

Session 15-16


Checks for Understanding

Title: S-1: Understanding Essays: (Title of Essay)

Session 1

Title: S-2: Characteristics of a Good Small-Group Partner

Session 2

Title: S-6: Characteristics of the Author’s Presence

Session 6

Title: S-7: Signs of Author’s Presence

Session 7

Title: S-9-11: Small-Group Work: Problems and Solutions

Session 9-11

Title: S-13-14: Good Presentations

Session 13-14

Title: S-18: Ideas for Essays

Session 18

Title: S-20: Short Assignments for My Essay

Session 20

Title: S-C: Peter Jacobi’s Basic Rules for Interviewing

Session C

Title: S-D: Six Things to Do Before the Interview

Session D

Title: S-E: Six Things to Do At the Interview

Session E

Title: S-F: Things to Do After the Interview

Session F

Forms and Graphic Organizers

Title: S-1: Understanding Essays: A Protocol for Working with Texts

Session 1


Title: S-6: The Essay: Ideas to Consider

Session 6


Title: S-22: Essay Project Description

Session 6


Title: S-29: Essay Commentary

Session 29


Title: S-31: Faces of the Essay: Self-Assessment

Session 31