Metaphorically Speaking is an introduction to the idea that much of the thinking and speaking we do everyday is metaphorical in nature. Metaphors are all around us, not only in written and spoken language, but also in the visual images that we see everyday. Metaphor is not simply a way with words that is reserved for poets and novelists.
In this unit, students are positioned to read like cognitive linguists to uncover and study aspects of our language that remain hidden to even the most proficient language users. In this way, students are detectives, studying the words that writers and speakers use and uncovering what those words highlight and hide about the subject.
Title: S-2: Comprehension Task “Metaphorically Speaking”
Session 2
Title: S-6: Studying Klinkenborg’s Several Short Sentences About Writing
Session 6
Title: S-8: Metaphorically Speaking “Why Not Put Off Till Tomorrow . . . ?”
Session 8
Title: S-11: The Final Assignment: Application and Analysis
Session 11
Title: S-6: Important or Confusing Moments in Several Short Sentences About Writing
Session 6
Title: S-8: Important or Confusing Moments in “Why Not Put Off Till Tomorrow . . . “
Session 8
Title: S-10: What Makes Metaphorical Language Effective
Session 10
Title: S-3: Criteria for a Good Discussion
Session 3
Title: S-3: Metaphors in Everyday Life
Session 3