The Habits of Lifelong Readers and Writers - Grade 8

The Habits of Lifelong Readers and Writers is a unit designed to both launch students’ independent reading and writing work and to assist students in periodically stepping back to assess their own work. 

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Table of Contents

Text Audio

From The House on Mango Street
“Our Good Day” by Sandra Cisneros
Audio File Link
(Youtube Link)
From The House on Mango Street
“Laughter” by Sandra Cisneros
Audio File Link
(Youtube Link)
From The House on Mango Street
“Girl’s Furniture Bought & Sold” by Sandra Cisneros
Audio File Link
(Youtube Link)
The Prisoner Who Wore Glasses by Bessie Head
Boat Story by Violet Kupersmith
The Set Piece: Something Small and Beautiful by Ralph Fletcher

Writing Tasks

Title: Day 1 Showing, Not Telling

Title: Day 2 Showing, Not Telling

Title: Day 3 Showing, Not Telling

Title: Day 4 Showing, Not Telling

Title: Day 5 Showing, Not Telling

Title: S-8: Writing Like Sandra Cisneros

Session 8


Title: S-11: Writing Like Bessie Head

Session 11


Title: S-14: Writing Like Violet Kupersmith

Session 14


Charts for Discussion

Title: S-2: Why Read? What the Research Says

Session 2

Title: S-3: Interviewing Books

Session 3

Title: S-5: What We Know About Book Recommendations

Session 5

Title: S-6: Expectations for Independent Reading

Session 6

Title: S-6: Rules for Independent Reading

Session 6

Title: S-8: First-Person Point of View

Session 8

Title: S-10: Third-Person Point of View

Session 10


Title: S-13: Significant Moments in “Boat Story”

Session 13

Title: S-14: Dialogue-Based, Story-Within- A-Story

Session 14

Title: S-20: The Independent Writing Life

Session 20

Title: S-A: Studying Favorite Writers

Session A

Title: S-A: Short Assignments for the Author Study

Session A

Title: S-B: Short Assignments for the Author Study

Session B

Title: S-D: Author Study Contract

Session D

Title: S-G: Independent Writing Project Contract

Session G

Forms and Graphic Organizers

Title: S-1: Rationales for Reading

Session 1


Title: S-2: Statistics About Education and Literacy

Session 2


Title: S-3: Book Interview

Session 3


Title: S-4: Book Pass

Session 4


Title: S-5: Book Recommendation

Session 5


Title: S-5-A: Guideline Letter

Session 5-A

Title: S-5-A: Sample Reading Letter

Session 5-A

Title: S-6: Goals for My Reading Life

Session 6


Title: S-20: Setting Goals for Independent Writing

Session 20


Title: S-A: Author Study Proposal

Session A


Title: S-B: Intra-Book Study

Session B


Title: S-E: Author Study Score Sheet

Session E


Title: S-F: Independent Writing Project Proposal

Session F


Title: S-F: Getting Published

Session F


Title: S-H: Independent Writing Project Commentary

Session H


Title: S-I: Independent Writing Project Review

Session I