Creating Characters in Poetry: A Study of Two Poets - Grade 7

The work in this unit grows from the following ideas: that poems are things people make; that people make poems to think about ideas and issues; and that poems themselves can be usefully understood as enactments of this thinking—language events in which a poet works on an idea, makes an argument, and creates a world or a character. According to this view, poems are not merely elegant, clever, or civilizing outpourings of language; they are not rhyming exhibitions or little texts from which to extract the “real meaning” in two sentences or less. They are things that people make to think and to think with.

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Table of Contents

Text Audio

Thieves of Light by Martín Espada
Four Sandwiches by Martín Espada
Offerings to an Ulcerated God by Martín Espada
Introspection by Nikki Giovanni
Audio File Link
(Youtube link)
Mothers by Nikki Giovanni
Audio File Link
(Youtube link)
Gus by Nikki Giovanni
Audio File Link
(Youtube link)

Writing Tasks

Title: S-6: “Thieves of Light” The Most Significant Line

Session 6


Title: S-8: Writing Like Martín Espada

Session 8


Title: S-10: Writing About “Offerings to an Ulcerated God”

Session 10


Title: S-17: “Mothers” The Most Significant Line

Session 17


Title: S-19: Writing Like Nikki Giovanni

Session 19


Title: S-22: Studying Character in Poetry A Retrospective Task

Session 22


Charts for Discussion

Title: S-1: “Thieves of Light”: A Retelling

Session 1

Title: S-2: “Four Sandwiches”: A Retelling

Session 2

Title: S-2: “Offerings…”: A Retelling

Session 2

Title: S-3: Simile: Examples

Session 3

Title: S-3: Metaphor: Examples

Session 3

Title: S-4: Images: Examples

Session 4

Title: S-5: Characters in ‘Thieves of Light

Session 5

Title: S-5: Characters in “Four Sandwiches”

Session 5

Title: S-5: Characters in “Offerings to an Ulcerated God”

Session 5

Title: S-5: How Espada Creates Characters

Session 5

Title: S-6: The Most Significant Line in “Thieves of Light”

Session 6

Title: S-8: “Four Sandwiches”: Write Like Comparison

Session 8

Title: S-10: Espada’s Arguments in “Offerings to an Ulcerated God”

Session 10


Title:S-12: “Introspection”: A Retelling

Session 12


Title: S-13: “Introspection”: A Retelling

Session 13


Title: S-13: “Gus”: A Retelling

Session 13


Title: S-14: Giovanni’s Line Breaks, Spacing, and Punctuation

Session 14


Title: S-15: Parallelism: Examples

Session 15


Title: S-15: Listing: Examples

Session 15


Title: S-15: Giovanni’s Use of Parallelism and Listing

Session 15


Title: S-16: Characters in Giovanni’s Poems

Session 16


Title: S-16: How Giovanni Creates Characters

Session 16


Title: S-17: The Most Significant Line in “Mothers”

Session 17


Title: S-19: “Introspection”: Write Like Comparison

Session 19


Title: S-21: Giovanni’s Arguments in “Gus’”

Session 21


Title: S-22: Character Description: A Model

Session 22


Title: S-23: Purpose of Characters: (Poem Title)

Session 23


Title: S-26: Work Done By Students in This Unit

Session 26


Title: S-26: Work Done By Teacher in This Unit

Session 26


Forms and Graphic Organizers

Title: Characters in Espada’s Poems


Title: Characters in Giovanni’s Poems