Reading and Writing Fairy Tales - Grade 6

The work of this unit is devoted, ostensibly, to the study of fairy tales. In the unit, students will do several kinds of work with and around fairy tale texts. All of this work is fundamentally interpretive and is marked by significant amounts of reading, writing, and discussion.

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Table of Contents

Text Audio

The Struggle for Meaning by Bruno Bettelheim
Fairy Tales and the Existential Predicament by Bruno Bettelheim
Cinderella by Bruno Bettelheim

Writing Tasks

Title: S-12: Explaining Bettelheim’s Arguments

Session 12


Title: S-14: Reading and Writing About “Cinderella”: What Would Bettelheim Say?

Session 14


Title: S-17: Rewriting a Fairy Tale

Session 17


Title: S-26: The Final Assignment: Analyzing a Fairy Tale Movie

Session 26



Charts for Discussion

Title: S-1: Bettelheim’s Claims About Fairy Tales

Session 1

Title: S-1: “The Struggle for Meaning”: Unfamiliar Terms and Confusing Moments

Session 1

Title: S-5: Reasons and Ways Versions Differ

Session 5

Title: S-7: Reasons or Ways to Change or Revise Fairy Tales

Session 7


Title: S-8: Why Fairy Tales Are Good for Children

Session 8

Title: S-8: “Fairy Tales and the Existential Predicament”: Unfamiliar Terms and Confusing Moments

Session 8

Title: S-9: Section 1: A Translation

Session 9

Title: S-9: Section 2: A Translation

Session 9


Title:S-10: Section 3: A Translation

Session 10

Title: S-10: Section 4: A Translation

Session 10

Title: S-11: Bettelheim’s Claims About Why Fairy Tales Are Good For Children

Session 11

Title: S-13: Revising “Cinderella”

Session 13

Forms and Graphic Organizers

Title: S-3: Criteria For a Good Discussion

Session 3


Title: S-5: Studying Fairy Tales

Session 5


Title: S-23-25: Tracking a Fairy Tale Movie

Session 23-25