Introduction to the Reading and Writing Life - Grade 6

In Introduction to the Reading and Writing Life students are introduced to many of the habits of lifelong readers and writers through a “starter” set of exercises, dispositions, and habits essential to the reading and writing life. The unit is intended to provide teachers with a structure and a vision for how to get independent reading, independent writing, and literacy notebooks working in their classrooms. In other words, it is designed primarily to introduce tools and set in motion ways of working that can be developed, extended, and drawn on throughout the year.

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Table of Contents

Text Audio

Being Mean by Gary Soto
In the Belly of a Clothes Rack by Crystal Ann Williams
Father by Gary Soto

Writing Tasks

Title: Day 1 Showing, Not Telling

Title: Day 2 Showing, Not Telling

Title: S-3: Book Interview

Session 3


Title: Day 3 Showing, Not Telling

Title: Day 4 Showing, Not Telling

Title: Day 5 Showing, Not Telling

Charts for Discussion

Title: S-2: Genres

Session 2

Title: S-3: Interviewing a Book

Session 3

Title: S-5: Taking Care of Books

Session 5

Title: S-5: Rules for Independent Reading

Session 5

Title: S-5: Reasons for Independent Reading

Session 5


Title:S-6: Readers Monitor for Meaning

Session 6


Title: S-6: Rules for Shared Reading

Session 6


Title: S-7: Handling Unfamiliar Words

Session 7

Title: S-8: What Do I Do When I Lose Track of What’s Going On?

Session 8

Title: S-9: Expectations for Independent Reading

Session 9

Title: S-11: The Four Writing Charts

Session 11


Title: S-11: Rules for Independent Writing

Session 11

Title: S-12: Rules for Timed Writing

Session 12

Title: S-15: Show, Not Tell

Session 15

Title: S-18: Expectations for Independent Writing

Session 18

Title: S-18: Rubric for Scoring the Writer’s Notebook

Session 18

Forms and Graphic Organizers

Title: S-3: Book Interview

Session 3


Title: S-4: Book Pass

Session 5


Title: S-9: Reading Log

Session 9


Title: S-10: Sample Reading Letter

Session 10

Title: S-10: Guideline Letter

Session 10

Title: S-14: The Perfect Storm

Session 14


Title: S-19: Goals for My Reading Life

Session 19


Title: S-19: The Writing Life: Self-Assessment

Session 19